Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal.
Trafficking is a lucrative industry, representing an estimated $32 billion per year in international trade, compared to the estimated annual $650 billion for all illegal international trade circa 2010.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is from International Justice Mission, 08/20/13
This week, we are celebrating justice in India and Kenya—two cases just ended with hard-fought convictions. Justice was possible thanks to the bravery of two girls.
Both Shefali* and Vera* experienced unspeakable violence. Shefali was trafficked to a brothel in Kolkata at 15, raped for profit night after night. Vera, who has grown up with a developmental disability and epilepsy, was raped by a neighbor in her village outside Nairobi.
Both girls needed someone to step in so they could speak up.
And thankfully, that’s exactly what happened. My colleagues in Kolkata rescued Shefali from her nightmare and have been walking with her for the last five years. My team in Kenya supported Vera’s family and helped push her case through a very broken justice system. We helped both girls process their trauma, and they each decided that they wanted to share what happened in court. Last week's convictions affirm to these brave young women that they have been heard.
You are a part of these stories. Because friends like you send us to bring rescue, we can step in and protect girls like Shefali and Vera. From Kolkata to Kenya, more girls can speak up because of you.
Thank you,
Sean Litton
Senior Vice President of Field Operations |