Wear Life  Wear Vita

I really love my Vita Pendant, not only does it carry my three sons' birthstones, but it stands for life of the preborn. Every child is a gift of God and when I see this beautiful wonderfully made pendant of a baby in the womb, it reminds me of how beautiful God's work is and how many take it for granted. This pendant shows my pride for life of the preborn and how I decided to have all of my babies regardless of my economic status. - Liz Martinez

I received my beautiful pendant today. The clasp makes it fit perfectly. Thank you and be blessed! 

- Connie, Missouri Blacks for Life, St Louis Missouri

I love the pendant, and I have told the story of why it was made by Vita Art.. I Pray the Lord will help you sell them. I wanted one because my daughter in law lost a baby and also I lost a son who was in his 50’s but I know that God is good. I had a diamond for April put into it. God does “Love us More” then anything. - Shirley

Beautiful!  We love them! Such quick delivery, thank you ! - Shawn

I'm excited to start wearing my pendant because I know my healing isn't just for me. - Betsy

The Gold pendant is stunning and beautifully made, Very high quality. I'm Very satisfied with this product. Will order more in the future for sure!  - Sandra

I originally bought my pendant from a pro Life Conference in 2016. I wear it to celebrate the miracle of life. I am rape conceived and am very grateful for my own life and for my birth mother who thought of me as her baby and not the rapist's baby. I wear it also to honor her sacrifice. - Patti

While searching for a pendant to celebrate and represent pro-life beliefs, I came across the Vita Pendant. Because of allergies to silver, I asked them if they could please make one for me in 14k yellow gold. When it arrived, I was so happy. It is absolutely gorgeous. I receive so many compliments on it and it enables me to discuss the importance of protecting the preborn. This pendant beautifully shows the baby in the womb. Thank you so much.
- Kim

The Vita Pendant is gigantic in meaning. I love it. I love life. Keep standing up for life!  - Ali A,  Texas

I work in Zimbabwe and oversee farming projects that help the children there. The Vita pendant is a lovely reminder for whom I care. - Tammy

I am Tracy Mirembe from Uganda with Alma Family Center. We counsel women on post abortion and train them with self-sustainability projects, giving them hope, faith, and love. I am so grateful and excited to have been given the Vita pendant. This means a lot to me as a person and to my calling as a Pro-Life activist. Wearing it every day reminds me of the sanctity of life and the commitment to my calling. Thank you so much, Cindy, for this amazing and beautiful gift. - Tracy Mirembe

I bought the Vita pendant at the Pro-Life Women's Conference in Dallas, June 25-26, 2016. It's SO much more beautiful than pictured. I get so many compliments and comments on it. To me it expresses waiting. A child waiting in the womb to develop and be born. How I am waiting on God for the prayers for my children to be answered. In His time, the answers will be "born". - Patti Smith, Pro-Life speaker, Save the 1

Last week I was at a meeting where I sat beside an older woman. She asked about my necklace. I was wearing the Vita pendant. We began talking about it and she told me about her daughter's death 13 years earlier. She told me how she still could not go through her daughter's things. I volunteered to come help her when she was ready. Vita was the catalyst for healing for this woman. Thank you, Cindy, for following where God has lead you and bringing Vita to the world. Through Vita, people's lives can be changed. - Valerie Weeks

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Vita necklace! - Keri O.

I still have not taken my necklace off since the March for Life on January 18th! I love it so much. It reminds me of my lost babies, my living son, and of course you! - Donna F

What a very special gift you gave me yesterday. In many ways it has completed my healing process and allowed me to finally be at peace with the situation. God clearly spoke to me and said “its over...the grieving and hurt you have carried for years has come to the surface and transcended into my house (Gods House). It is forgiven!! - Anonymous

I love wearing the Vita pendant. As a defender of life, it is a continual reminder to be ready and instant in season with a word fitly spoken. It’s beauty and uniqueness invite conversations that led to precious opportunities to share God’s love. - Susan Hulet, Founder of Mercy House

I gave this as a gift to a family member who had a miscarriage last year. It reminds her of the life-giving Creator who gave her three children and all that she has. It has helped her grieve this loss and appreciate the life she has to live for her own family legacy. Thanks Vita for standing for LIFE! - LS

How do I begin to thank you for your amazing gift? The pendant is so beautiful - made even more so because of your heart for life, all life. Thank you for this tangible expression of love! I will wear it proudly, but also with deep reverence. Thank you, my sweet friend! - Jill Marquis, SE Area Director, Surrendering the Secret

I recently got back in touch with an old high school friend after decades of life had passed by. It was great to catch up on the course of our lives. Come to find out my friend, Cindy, has her own company. Of course, I had to check out the website. I have two college age daughters and thought what a great gift. I ordered one for one daughter as a test to see her reaction. She loved it!!! She said her sister would definitely like one too. So, now I have ordered another. I think this is a great gift for a man to give to his daughters, his sisters or a wife or girlfriend. Also a great gift for a woman to give to any female family member, relative or friend. They will love it. Thank you Cindy for creating this awesome product. You were always a kind, sweet and sensitive soul and now I discover you are creative too! - Dr. Randall J. Soland